Have you noticed that when using the Mari pxrSurface shader and you tick use default colours and the material created renders ghost in the shell transparent? It’s a problem with missing default colours that should be declared in the pxrSurface XML file. To fix this I opened up the XML file in the pxrSurface directory and added a few lines of code to get at least the most common of the inputs with a value that makes sense.
The one you really need to get a decent preview is the presence and normal map color edited. Presence should be white or (1,1,1,1) and Normal color (0.5,0.5,1,1)
Here is an example of the original xml code in the pxrtSurface shader
Input Name=”diffuseColor” PreferredInput=”1″ PrettyName=”Diffuse Color” Scalar=”False” ShortName=”dCol”/
and here is the edited example
Input Name=”diffuseColor” PreferredInput=”1″ PrettyName=”Diffuse Color” Scalar=”False” ShortName=”dCol” DefaultColor=”(1,1,1,1)”/
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